Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's been awhile...

Hi, everyone. I KNOW, I KNOW. It's been ages!

I wanted to write to reassure whomever is still rooting me on that I have NOT given up on my weight-loss journey and am still working towards being "Thin in 2010." We are now in Round 2 of the Biggest Loser Competition and my 8 co-competitors are trekking on and moving forward. Things have slowed down a bit this round, but we're still working on making LIFESTYLE CHANGES that will LAST... not LEAPS & BOUNDS of weight loss that will creep back before we know it.

This certainly has been a slower process than I'd anticipated, but I'm learning to be "okay" with that. Every decision I make counts and I have to be willing to suffer the consequences should I make a "less than wonderful" decision from time to time. (And believe me, I DO!)

I am 16.7lbs lighter than when I embarked on this adventure... not a huge number, but still a good number! After a week of wretched sickness, I plan on getting back into the ol' workout routine -- NO EXCUSES!

3 things to whine about:
1) Mom's, you'll appreciate this: My legs are gettin' somewhere... my arms too! But, when will that BABY belly firm up and be gone??
2) I still want to eat Tim's Cascade Jalapeno chips in front of the T.V. (Pssst, and sometimes I do!)
3) I fear I won't be able to run the entirety of the 5K that is soon coming up...

3 things to celebrate:
1) Okay, so I have a flabby & stretch marked belly... but those marks are proof that I have 2 wonderful, wonderful children. Wouldn't trade them for the flattest belly in the world.
2) I'm learning to choose wisely when I want to have that yummy and savory/sweet treat. I'm learning to treat food with a little less importance -- call me a lifelong learner.
3) Even though I may not be able to run the entire 5K, my body is getting waaaay stronger and being able to run a mile to a mile 1/2 straight is a HUGE accomplishment for me!

Anyhow, friends. Sorry it's been sooooo long between posts. Keep checking in, keep holding me acctable... because I need it!

Here's to hoping I hit 20lbs lost by the 5K race on June 7!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Erin,

    I'm still rooting you on! Was wondering what happened to you but looks like you're still going strong!

    And I love your idea of 3 whines and 3 celebrations... I may have to borrow that from you!
